

Motor Vehicle Accidents can be very stressful for a person, as they have to deal with loss/damage to their vehicle, and potentially injuries in worse scenarios. Due to the complex nature of whiplash injuries, recovery can be slow if it is not managed correctly and early. An experienced physiotherapist will help manage these injuries and help you return to your usual life pain and stress free.

Before your come in for your appointment, you should bring:

  • Report your accident and injuries to the CTP insurance company of the at fault vehicle. If you were at fault, you will report your injuries to your CTP insurance company.
  • A medical certificate and referral from your doctor outlining the injuries and advising Physiotherapy as part of your management plan
  • Any other relevant scans and reports from your doctor or specialis

If you’ve just had an accident and aren’t sure about the other party’s claim number or insurance company, there is an easy way to get in contact with the insurance company and receive a reference number immediately!

  • Search up SIRA – Who do I claim with? On Google click on the link (
  • Scroll down to the bottom and click on “Connect with the Insurer”– this will load up another page and form (
  • You will need to fill out your details, the accident details and also some details from the other party/parties. It is very important to get drivers licence details and number plates/registration of the vehicles involved! This form will help you identify the insurance company under which you will claim for your injuries!
  • Within two business days, you will be contacted by the insurer, and a claim number will be organised for you.
  • In the meantime, organise an appointment with your doctor – they will identify your injuries, complete a medical certificate for you.

The below 2 forms are required for your claim:

Certificate of fitness/ Certificate of Capacity

Personal Injury Benefits form

For further assistance, you can call CTP Assist on 1300 656 919 or email